Arunachal News

No provision of individual scheme under CCI and SADA, says Chowna Mein

Sentinel Digital Desk


ITANAGAR: Arunachal Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Chowna Mein on Monday said that there is no provision for taking up individual schemes under the provisions of the 'Cabinet Committee on Infrastructure' (CCI) and also the 'State Annual Development Agenda' (SADA) as schemes under both are taken up on need-based and importance.

Mein, who also holds the Finance, Planning & Investment portfolios, was responding to a question by senior Congress member Lombo Tayeng alleging that many individual schemes are being recommended by the District Development Committees (DDCs) constituted by the government.

"The CCI schemes are of state importances which are being taken up on need based.

''Last year, many such schemes were taken up by the government and tendering process has already been completed. Moreover, SADA schemes are recommended by the DDCs and the finance department place funds to the respective departments keeping in view the available fund provision," added Mein.

Responding to a supplementary raised by BJP member Phurpa Tsering, the Deputy CM informed that many schemes under CCI and SADA were taken up last year, which would be continued this year on priority bases.

Mein added that many district committees recommended schemes exceeding the financial provisions set by the planning department.