Assam News

Aikyatan Sikshasevi Bota conferred to Dhaneswar Tamuli Phukan

Sentinel Digital Desk


LAKHIMPUR: The prestigious Aikyatan Sikshasevi Bota (Award) for the session of 2019-2020 was conferred to Dhaneswar Tamuli Phukan who is the founder headmaster of Hatilung High School and a prominent writer and a social activist of Lakhimpur district. Aikyatan, a voluntary social and academic organization of the district has conferred the award every year to a prominent personality who extends remarkable contribution for academic enhancement.

On this occasion, Aikyatan organized a special programme at the residential premises of the awardee, located at Bijaynagar of North Lakhimpur town. The programme began with the lighting of the ceremonial lamp by Aikyatan patron Kamal Gogoi. It was presided over by Niran Kumar Borah, the retired principal of ADK Higher Secondary School-cum-former Assistant Secretary of Axam Xahitya Xabha. Aikyatan secretary Goutam Rajkhowa explained the objective of the programme. On behalf of Aikyatan, Niran Kumar Borah conferred the award to Dhaneswar Tamuli Phukan, who has been rendering relentless service to enhance the academic environment till date since he established the high school.

In connection with the programme, a lecture event was also organized, wherein Sanjib Borah, subject teacher at ADK Higher Secondary School, delivered an informative lecture on a topic— 'The deluding activities in mass-media at present and our responsibilities'.

Receiving the award, Dhaneswar Tamuli Phukan highlighted the colourful experiences of his academic, teaching life. Headmaster of Hatilung High School Ruhiteswar Phukan, Bijaynagar Development Committee president Tarun Gogoi, headmaster of Lakhimpur Collegiate High School Duluprabha Tamuli Deka, poet Dilip Gogoi, Akyatan president Haren Hazarika also delivered speech in the programme. Vocal artiste Sanjib Baruah performed Birgeet while Yenkham Rahkumari presented creative dance item.