Assam News

Anundoram Borooah Award-2018 distributed at Haflong

Sentinel Digital Desk

A Correspondent

Haflong: Around 118 students from Dima Hasao were awarded laptops under the Anundoram Borooah Award, 2018 in a laptop distribution ceremony held at District Library Auditorium Hall, Haflong on Tuesday. The programme was organized by Dima Hasao district administration in presence of Nandita Gorlosa, Executive Member, N C Hills Autonomous Council as chief guest.

After the welcome address by Gayatri Naiding, Inspector of Schools, Dima Hasao, lit lamps and floral tribute was offered to the beautifully decorated portrait of Anundoram Borooah, the first graduate and first ICS of Assam.

Nandita Gorlosa, Executive Member, i/c Education, NC Hills Autonomous Council, congratulated the students and asked them to work for the development of the country in the field of science and technology. Other dignitaries encouraged the students’ community and asked the students to try hard in enhancing the number of award winning students in the next academic session. They also congratulated parents and teachers of the district for their continuous support in achieving the award.

TT Daolagupu in his speech congratulated all the students who received the award and also congratulated Amitabh Rajkhowa and Srijeet T, Superintendent of Police, Dima Hasao for maintaining law and order and for building an atmosphere of peace and tranquillity in the district. Srijeet T, Superintendent of Police, addressed the students’ community about the necessity of laptops and computer in this era.

The programme was also attended by Mukut Kemprai, Principal Secretary(N) N.C. Hills Autonomous Council, Haflong, Bikram Dev Sharma, ADC Dima Hasao district administration, Zovi Nampui Secretary, Education, NC Hills Autonomous Council, Haflong. Students, parents, teachers and media persons attended the programme.