Assam News

Assam: AASAA’s Demow unit felicitates meritorious students

Sentinel Digital Desk


DEMOW: Under the patronage of the All Adivasi Students’ Association of Assam (AASAA), its Demow Regional Committee, in association with the primary mommittees, today felicitated the meritorious students who passed with flying colours in the HSLC and HS Final Examination 2024.

The felicitation programme was held in the auditorium of N-Santiya Bhawan (Demow Alun Nagar) on Sunday. Lalit Tanti, president of the Demow regional committee of AASAA, presided over the meeting. Kamal Bhumij, general secretary of the AASAA, Demow regional committee, anchored the programme. A total of 50 meritorious students were felicitated with a phulam gamosa and citation.

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