Assam News

Assam: Arrests Made in Jorhat Over Tea Garden Shooting Incident

Sentinel Digital Desk

GUWAHATI: In Jorhat, an alarming incident unfolded as two individuals found themselves in police custody following an alleged shooting incident. This unsettling event took place in a tea garden area and involved a male victim named Basanta Das, who sustained severe injuries and required immediate medical attention.

The two arrested individuals have been identified as Dimple Gogoi and Monalisa. Interestingly, the diversity in gender among the suspects adds a layer of intrigue to the unfolding story. Dimple Gogoi and Monalisa were taken into custody after allegedly shooting at Basanta Das.

The victim, Basanta Das, was initially admitted to the Jorhat Medical College and Hospital (JMCH). However, the severity of his injuries necessitated his transfer to a hospital in Guwahati, reflecting the critical nature of his condition. The motive behind this shocking act of violence remains shrouded in mystery, leaving investigators to piece together the puzzle of this disturbing event.

One peculiar detail that has come to light is the reported romantic involvement between the victim and one of the accused. A clandestine affair between Basanta Das and one of the arrested individuals adds a complex dimension to the case. This revelation raises questions about whether personal motives played a role in the shooting incident.

Despite the tantalizing clues surrounding the victim-accused relationship, the precise reason for the shooting remains elusive. Initial reports suggest that an internal clash may have triggered this violent act. The preliminary investigation indicates that the incident was not a spur-of-the-moment outburst, but rather a premeditated act, adding an element of calculation and planning to the crime.

The incident occurred near a tea garden in the Lichubari area of Jorhat as Basanta Das was traveling in his car. The tranquil surroundings of the tea garden, traditionally associated with serenity and peace, were disrupted by this disturbing act of violence.

This troubling incident in the heart of Assam's tea country serves as a stark reminder that even in idyllic settings, violence can rear its head. The investigation promises to unveil more details about the complex web of relationships and motivations that led to this shocking act, as the community waits anxiously for answers and justice.