Assam News

Assam: Bhutanese liquor seized; one apprehended by Sixth Bn. SSB

Sentinel Digital Desk


KOKRAJHAR: The Sixth Bn. SSB on Saturday seized 17 cartons of Bhutanese Black Mountain Whisky, including mineral waters, in a routine checking at Datgari check post in the Indian side. The jawans apprehended a person in this connection. 

Sources from SSB said the B. Company of the SSB situated at Dadgari made a seizure of Bhutnese liquor while performing checking and frisking duty along Bharat-Bhutan border at Datgari.

According to sources, the team of SSB stopped a Bolero Pick-up vehicle (BP/3-A-2175) with a driver. The vehicle was loaded with 17 cartons of Bhutani Black Mountain whiskey and 10 cases of Bhutani mineral water. The jawans asked for proper documentation but the driver failed to furnish adequate papers. Consequently, the vehicle, along with the items, was seized and the driver was apprehended and handed over to Land Customs Office at Hatisar, Dadgari. The arrested person was identified as Ganesh Kumar Basnet of village -Bhur under Gelephu PS of the Sarpang district of Bhutan. The seized items and Bolero Camper Gold, Black Mountain whisky and mineral water, worth Rs. 6, 8672.

Apart from this, the 6th Bn.SSB on Friday detected 780 litres of diesel being brought from Gelegphu of Bhutan at Datgari check gate and two persons were apprehended in that connection. 

The SSB said the checking party of B. Coy of the SSB at Dadgiri stopped a Bolero Pickup Ven (BP-2-B5627) loaded with 780 litres of diesel. The vehicle and the driver were handed over to Land Customs Office, Datgiri. Apprehended person was identified as Dawa Dema (39) of Choki Gyeltshen village under Gelegphu PS in the Sarpang district of Bhutan.

Also Read: Guwahati: Railway Protection Force seized Illicit liquor

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