Assam News

Assam: Career counselling programme on recruitment in Indian Arm forces

Sentinel Digital Desk

GAURISAGAR: Charing Durlav Chandra Gogoi Jakaichuk on the outskirts of Gaurisagar in Sivasagar district organized a career counselling programme on recruitment in Indian Arm forces in association with 149 CRPF Battalian located at Joysagar. The programme was conducted by Girindra Kumar Gogoi, principal of the school while Jibon Khanikar, assistant teacher of the school anchored the programme.

Assistant Commandants Amrit Kakade and L Upendro took part as resource persons. Addressing the students’ community, Amrit Kakade highlighted on how to prepare for National Defence Academy(NDA) and Civil Defence Service (CDS) examinations. He said every year around 2.5 to 3 lakhs candidates appear in this examinations. Out of them 700 to 800 candidates are asked for oral examination. At last 300-400 hundred candidates are select finally for recruitment. Definetly it is a tough examination. Students must be committed from their early school years if they plan to take the NDA or CDS exams. At the same time Kakade urged upon the students community to read the newspapers regularly.

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