Assam News

Assam: Controversy Ensues After State BJP President Unfurls Tricolour Upside Down on Independence Day

Sentinel Digital Desk

GUWAHATI: In a recent development, an FIR has been lodged against Bhabesh Kalita, the Assam BJP president, for the unintentional hoisting of the Indian tricolour upside down during Independence Day celebrations. The incident unfolded at the party's state headquarters in Guwahati, drawing strong reactions from both citizens and social media. The FIR was registered at Nagaon Sadar police station on August 15, following a complaint filed by three residents of Nagaon district, accusing Kalita of engaging in an act of 'treason.'

The complaint alleges that Bhabesh Kalita knowingly proceeded with the flag hoisting, despite being aware of the error. This has led to claims of a "deliberate conspiracy" behind the incident, as his actions were seen as not mere oversight but a potential affront to the nation's dignity. The controversy grew as Kalita's mistake went unnoticed by him and other party leaders present at the event. It was only after his speech that some vigilant party workers pointed out the error.

Prompt corrective action was taken by Kalita, who promptly brought down the flag and re-hoisted it correctly. However, the incident has ignited a significant public uproar, with criticism directed towards Kalita for his apparent lack of vigilance and respect for the national symbol. On social media platforms, individuals have expressed their concerns, highlighting the gravity of hoisting the national flag upside down and emphasizing the need for accountability.

In response to the growing backlash, Bhabesh Kalita issued an apology, admitting that he failed to notice the flag's incorrect positioning. This apology, however, has not quelled the debate surrounding the incident, with many advocating for a strict stand against the disregard shown towards the Flag Code of India, 2022.

The Flag Code of India, 2022, explicitly prohibits the improper hoisting of the national flag, such as upside down. It not only outlines the appropriate guidelines for displaying the flag but also stipulates potential legal consequences for violations. Anyone found contravening the code could face imprisonment for up to three years, a fine, or both, underlining the seriousness of maintaining the integrity and dignity of the national symbol.

In summary, the inadvertent act of hoisting the tricolour upside down by Assam BJP president Bhabesh Kalita on Independence Day has sparked a contentious discussion about the significance of respecting national symbols. The FIR against him, the subsequent public outrage, and his apologetic response have all contributed to a larger conversation about the proper observance of flag etiquette in India.