Assam News

Assam: Dacoits Loot Rs 2 Lakh from Parked Car in Guwahati

Sentinel Digital Desk

GUWAHATI: In a shocking incident that unfolded in broad daylight, a gang of dacoits carried out a daring heist in Guwahati, targeting a parked car. The incident occurred on VIP Road in the Sixmile area of the city, sending shockwaves through the local community.

Initial reports indicate that the audacious heist was executed by a gang comprising two individuals who displayed a flagrant disregard for the law and public safety. The criminals targeted an unassuming vehicle parked along the busy VIP Road, smashing their way into it and making off with a substantial sum of money. It is estimated that the dacoits managed to loot approximately Rs 2 lakh in cash, leaving the car's owner in shock and disbelief.

As news of the incident spread like wildfire, the local authorities swung into action. The Dispur police were quick to respond, promptly arriving at the scene of the crime to initiate an investigation. They have taken charge of the case and are determined to bring the perpetrators to justice. One of the key elements of their investigative efforts involves a thorough examination of the CCTV cameras installed at the location. These surveillance cameras may hold vital clues that could aid in identifying the culprits and unraveling the details of this audacious robbery.

The incident has left the community in Guwahati deeply concerned about the safety of their streets, particularly during broad daylight. The brazen nature of the heist has raised questions about the level of security in the area and the need for heightened vigilance.

This shocking daylight robbery serves as a stark reminder of the challenges law enforcement faces in maintaining public safety and order. While the police are determined to resolve this case and bring the dacoits to justice, it also underscores the importance of citizens remaining vigilant and taking precautions to protect their belongings and personal safety.

As the investigation into this daring daylight heist unfolds, the local community is left hoping for a swift resolution and a return to a sense of security on the streets of Guwahati. It is an incident that has sent shockwaves through the city, prompting residents to reflect on the need for enhanced security measures and greater public awareness in the face of criminal activities.