Assam News

Assam: Denizens of Mahur hit by acute water crisis

Sentinel Digital Desk

Haflong: Following the destruction of water sources due to the destruction of catchment areas in the name of highways and broad gauge, the entire populace in the Mahur area is hit by an acute water crisis.

Though Mahur is surrounded by several rivers and rivulets, but to the wanton collection of stones from river beds for construction works and disturbance in the natural flow of rivers, the water sources are drying fast, thus causing water pollution and crisis in Mahur.

However, the administration seems to be a silent spectator, perhaps because people at the helm of affairs are not affected by the water crisis, observers alleged. Moreover, the diminishing trend of rain perhaps due to global warming and an increase in jhum cultivation has compounded the suffering of the people.

Water has become a rare commodity in some rural areas of the district. Some say a long-term master plan along with the plantation of trees is very much required to solve the water crisis in Mahur. People further opined that they want development, but not at the cost of the environment. There should be checks and balances. The construction companies engaged in the construction of highways and broad gauge should not be allowed to destroy natural water sources, or be involved in wanton cutting of earth and collection of stones from the river beds, people here appealed.

Babul Kemprai, a prominent citizen of Mahur while expressing concern over the present water crisis said a proper step should be taken considering the condition of nature first, and also for the regeneration of the water sources, otherwise very soon we would face a serious threat of water crisis.

Muster Roll employee of Mahur PHE while expressing his helplessness said, “We are not getting our nominal salaries for the last 22 months even then we are performing our duties when and where necessary.” The Executive Engineer, PHE Maibang division could not be contacted.

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