Assam News

Assam: Elderly Woman Crushed to Death by Wild Elephants at Lakhipur

Sentinel Digital Desk

GUWAHATI: In a heart-wrenching incident that unfolded on a fateful night in Lakhipur, Assam, an 85-year-old woman named Suturi Rabha met a gruesome end when she was brutally crushed to death by a rampaging herd of wild elephants. The tragedy occurred as the elderly woman found herself in the wrong place at the wrong time, unable to escape due to her advanced age.

Reports suggest that the large herd of elephants had ventured into a residential area near the Lakhipur Block Development office, possibly in search of food. Unfortunately, Suturi Rabha unwittingly found herself in close proximity to the agitated tuskers, unable to flee the imminent danger. In a horrifying turn of events, she fell victim to their wrath, being attacked and trampled with unimaginable force, leaving her unrecognizable.

Upon receiving the distressing news, local police and villagers rushed to the scene, bravely confronting the menacing elephants. Their combined efforts managed to drive away the herd, ultimately saving others from a similar fate. The lifeless body of Suturi Rabha was later recovered by the authorities and promptly sent for a post-mortem examination, as customary in such cases.

This unfortunate incident follows another recent tragedy involving human-elephant conflict in the region. Only days before, a 70-year-old woman was similarly trampled to death by a wild tusker near the Guwahati Airport. The incident occurred in the Satargaon locality, falling under the jurisdiction of the Azara police station. The elderly woman became the victim of an elephant on the prowl, having strayed from a nearby reserve forest.

Eyewitnesses reported that the elephant had descended from the reserve forest in search of sustenance when the woman attempted to frighten it away by wielding a torch. Regrettably, her efforts proved futile as the enraged pachyderm charged at her, goring her with its formidable tusks and unleashing a terrifying display of ferocity by trampling her to the ground. The woman succumbed to her injuries on the spot, her life extinguished in a matter of moments.

These distressing incidents serve as alarming reminders of the escalating human-elephant conflict prevalent in Assam. As the natural habitats of elephants shrink due to human encroachment, these majestic creatures often find themselves venturing into populated areas in search of food and resources. It is a grave concern that innocent lives, particularly those of the elderly, are being lost in these tragic encounters. Efforts to mitigate this conflict through enhanced conservation measures, wildlife corridors, and public awareness campaigns become even more crucial to ensure the safety of both humans and elephants.