fuel price in assam
Assam News

Assam: Fuel Prices Surge in Assam Following Lok Sabha Election Results

Sentinel Digital Desk

GUWAHATI: Just a day after Lok Sabha election results Assam, particularly Guwahati is witnessing significant hike in petrol and diesel prices, leaving public reeling.

In an unexpected move. Petrol prices have surged by Rs 1.02 per litre Diesel prices have seen notable rise of Re 1.01. This increase has caught many off guard. The general public expressing discontentment over sudden spike. Timing of this price hike coming so soon after election results, has particularly surprised and perturbed people.

As of today. Price of petrol in Guwahati stands at ₹97.19 per litre slight increase from yesterday’s rate of ₹96.17. Over the past ten days, petrol prices have fluctuated between ₹96.13 and ₹97.19. Similarly diesel prices have risen to ₹89.42 per litre, up from yesterday’s rate of ₹88.41. Prices over past ten days ranging between ₹88.38 and ₹89.42.

The sudden escalation in fuel costs has sparked strong reactions from public. Many are struggling to understand rationale behind the price surge. Especially so soon after elections. This hike comes amidst ongoing economic challenges further compounding financial strain on individuals and businesses alike.

Local residents and commuters have expressed frustration and concern over rising fuel costs. “This increase is a huge blow. Especially coming right after election results. We were already dealing with financial difficulties and now this,” said Rajesh Das daily commuter in Guwahati.

Business owners are also feeling pinch. "Transportation costs are significant part of our expenses. An increase like this affects our bottom line. And ultimately impacts our customers," commented an individual who runs small logistics company.

The timing of price hike has led to speculations about its connection to election results. However officials have not provided clear explanation. Experts suggest that the hike could be attributed to variety of factors. These include international crude oil prices and domestic policy decisions. Yet, the lack of transparency has fueled public frustration

In response to the outcry, local political leaders have urged the government to address the issue promptly “The public deserves clear explanation and immediate action. This is to mitigate sudden financial burden” said a spokesperson for the opposition

As Assam grapples with this unexpected development, citizens are calling for greater accountability. They also seek measures to stabilize fuel prices hoping for relief in the face of these economic challenges.