Assam News

Assam Government Issues New Dress Code For Assembly Employees

Sentinel Digital Desk

GUWAHATI: The Assam Government has come up with a new set of directives for its Legislative Assembly employees to wear formal and traditional attires.

According to the order, male employees are directed to wear formal dress while the female employees shall come in traditional attires. The order further orders the employees to refrain from wearing jeans, leggings, and t-shirts while on duty at the Assembly premises.

Not only that, but the journalists who will be covering the proceedings have also been asked to wear formal dress.

Notably, this order passed on the directives of Assam Legislative Assembly Speaker Biswajit Daimari shall apply to staff working on daily wage and fixed pay besides those on monthly honorarium basis irrespective of their gender.

"All employees should attend office on all working days with formal attire only (salwar suit/saree/mekhela chador, formal shirt-pant and not casual attire such as T-shirts and jeans, leggings etc.)." stated the order. It further added, "A traditional dress of any community of Assam should be worn every Wednesday as desired by the employee," the order said.

Apart from that, all employees irrespective of their official designations have been asked to wear their official uniform provided by the Secretariat during Assembly Sessions. The same also have to be worn at formal occasions and programmes as decided by the authorities, stated the order.

The order apart from enforcing the dress code also asks the employees to mandatorily reach office by 9.30am and mark their attendance in the biometric system. The employees are to only sign out after the office hours or as per need and immediacy of the official work they have been assigned to.

It strictly mentions that strict action will be initiated against any assembly employee who fail to abide by the instructions as mentioned in the order. Further to that, for failing to serve full time in the requisite hours of duty, a considerable portion from their monthly salary will be deducted.

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