Assam News

Assam Jatiya Parishad takes out ‘Ek Asom Yatra’ for a united Assam

Sentinel Digital Desk

DIBRUGARH: Assam Jatiya Parishad (AJP) on Thursday took out the ‘Ek Asom Yatra’ in Dibrugarh for a united Assam.

AJP president Lurinjyoti Gogoi led the ‘Ek Asom Yatra’ in Dibrugarh with thousands of his followers. The rally started from Chowkidingee field. The procession passed through the main routes of Dibrugarh seeking support of local people for a united Assam.

While addressing the rally, Lurinjyoti Gogoi said, “Chaolung Sukapha was the founder of Ahom dynasty who created greater Assam. But now some communal forces are trying to divide Assam on the basis of communalism. We started the ‘Ek Asom Yatra’ from Dhubri and it will end at Sadiya. Our main objective is a united Assam. We want to establish communal harmony in Assam by uniting all castes and creed.”

He further added, “Earlier Assam was peaceful and people lived in harmony but now everything has been changed after the BJP came to power. But through this ‘Ek Asom Yatra’ we want to bring back the lost glory of Assam.”

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