Assam floods issue
Assam News

Assam Launches Historic Initiative to Combat Flooding with Major Financial Investment

Sentinel Digital Desk

GUWAHATI: Assam is set to tackle longstanding flood problem with unprecedented financial investment and comprehensive strategy. State minister Pijush Hazarika unveiled the ambitious plan. This marks the first time in Assam’s history that such extensive resources will be devoted to flood mitigation.

“For the first time in Assam’s history we are undertaking massive investments to help mitigate floods.” Hazarika declared. The initiative will see substantial funding from both the central and state governments. It signals a coordinated effort to address perennial issue.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s central government will facilitate Rs 5000 crore over the next five years. This will be through various multi-lateral institutions. This significant funding is earmarked for extensive infrastructure projects and technological solutions aimed at preventing and managing flood disasters more effectively. The central funds will support construction of new embankments. They will also improve drainage systems. Deployment of advanced weather forecasting technologies is also planned.

In addition to the central government’s substantial contributions Assam government is committing an additional Rs 1000 crore annually. This further bolsters flood prevention activities. This commitment underscores the state government's dedication to tackling the flood issue head-on. It ensures the safety and resilience of its communities.

“This translates to over Rs 2000 crore per annum of investment.” Hazarika noted. This emphasizes the scale and importance of the initiative. The comprehensive plan includes a wide range of measures. These are designed to mitigate flooding and enhance community resilience. These measures encompass not only physical infrastructure improvements but also community-based programs.

The flood mitigation initiative will integrate advanced technological solutions. These include improved weather forecasting and early warning systems. They will provide timely information and alerts to communities at risk. By enhancing these capabilities, the government aims to reduce the devastating impact of floods. This will safeguard lives and property.

The announcement of this initiative represents significant milestone in Assam’s efforts to combat flooding. Flooding has plagued the state for decades. With robust financial backing the Assam government is poised to make substantial progress.