Assam News

Assam: Manas National Park in Assam to Reopen for 2023-2024 Tourist Season on October 1st

Sentinel Digital Desk

GUWAHATI: Manas National Park and Tiger Reserve, nestled in the serene landscape of Assam, India, is preparing to reopen its gates for the eagerly awaited 2023-2024 tourist season on October 1, 2023. The park had been temporarily closed to visitors since June 5, 2023, as a precautionary measure during the monsoon season, ensuring both the safety of tourists and the preservation of its natural beauty.

The much-anticipated announcement regarding the park's reopening was made by Mr. Rajen Choudhury, the esteemed Field Director of Manas National Park. This official communiqué was issued on Tuesday, September 26, 2023, setting the stage for nature enthusiasts and wildlife aficionados to once again explore the rich biodiversity of this sanctuary.

In his statement, Mr. Choudhury emphasized that the reopening of Manas National Park would be conducted in strict compliance with the relevant provisions of the Wildlife (Protection) Act of 1972 and the Assam Wildlife (Protection) Rules of 1997. These legal safeguards are instrumental in ensuring that the park's precious flora and fauna are protected while offering an immersive and responsible ecotourism experience to visitors.

To celebrate the reopening of this natural treasure trove, a special event has been organized at the Bahbari Range within the national park. This event not only marks a new beginning for the park but also serves as a reminder of the critical role that such conservation efforts play in preserving our planet's natural heritage.

An official notice regarding the reopening of Manas National Park read, "Consequent to completion of the stipulated monsoon closure period as prescribed by the Government of India, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, National Tiger Conservation Authority letter no. 15-1(17)/2015-NTCA dated August 18, 2015, it is hereby informed that the Manas National Park and Tiger Reserve will be open for the 2023-24 ecotourism season with effect from October 1, 2023, subject to relevant provisions of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 and the Assam Wildlife (Protection) Rules, 1997, till further notice."

Manas National Park, recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is renowned for its incredible biodiversity, including the elusive Bengal tiger, one of the most iconic and endangered species in the world. The park's lush forests, serene riverbanks, and diverse wildlife make it a prime destination for nature enthusiasts, researchers, and tourists seeking an immersive encounter with the natural world.

As the doors of Manas National Park reopen, visitors can look forward to unforgettable experiences such as wildlife safaris, bird-watching, and exploring the pristine wilderness. The park's enchanting landscapes, which include dense woodlands, rolling hills, and the mesmerizing Manas River, offer a picturesque backdrop for these activities.

Moreover, this reopening signifies the commitment of the local authorities and the government to ecotourism, wildlife conservation, and sustainable tourism practices. By adhering to the Wildlife (Protection) Act and the Assam Wildlife (Protection) Rules, Manas National Park ensures that the delicate ecological balance of this unique ecosystem remains intact.

The imminent reopening of Manas National Park and Tiger Reserve on October 1, 2023, heralds a new chapter in the ongoing saga of conservation and preservation in Assam, India. This announcement invites tourists and nature enthusiasts from around the world to once again witness the natural wonders of this UNESCO World Heritage Site while underlining the importance of responsible ecotourism. The park's reopening is not just an invitation to explore a breathtaking natural paradise but also a testament to the enduring commitment to safeguarding our planet's invaluable biodiversity.