Assam News

Assam: NF Railway Advances Safety Measures with Cutting-Edge PQRS for Rail Track Replacement

Ankita Kakaty

ASSAM: The Northeast Frontier Railway has taken a significant step towards enhancing safety and efficacy by adopting the sophisticated Plasser Quick Relaying System (PQRS) machine to replace outdated railway tracks. The PQRS technique involves carefully removing old rails and sleepers, creating space for an entirely new rail panel.

During the current fiscal year, up to January 11th of 2024, an impressive total of 125.14 kilometers worth of outdated railway tracks has already been replaced with new and improved counterparts. This surpasses the achievements made in the previous fiscal year (2022-23), which saw a replacement rate reach just over (121.76)praiseworthy kilometers; exceeding expectations by a remarkable proportion of approximately ten point seven percent beyond its set goal at that time -110Km-. Looking ahead towards future efforts, Northeast Frontier Railway is demonstrating ambition for meeting or even exceed more extensive goals established board-wide regarding replacing within this same timeframe one hundred sixty(160) Km’of railways on their own accord as they move forward boldly from here onwards without hesitation or delay whatsoever!

The utilization of self-propelled cranes in the PQRS system is characterized by their small size, which leads to lower maintenance expenses. This revolutionary technology plays a vital function in constructing new railway tracks and upgrading existing ones. An essential advantage is that it allows for faster replacement of rail tracks resulting in reduced traffic disruption while also reducing additional freight carriage work since this machine effortlessly transports old rail panels back to base from the worksite.

By embracing PQRS, not only are operational productivity and speed heightened, but safety protocols also receive reinforcement to achieve top-notch quality standards. The technology enables accomplishment of more work in less time thereby enhancing the efficiency as well as security of railway operations. This is a vast improvement from labor-intensive manual procedures encompassing concrete sleepers that often resulted in elongated hours for completion; with PQRS machines now completing approximately half km worth of tasks within some few hours instead.

The Northeast Frontier Railway is determined to fulfill its promise of guaranteeing safety, security, and punctuality. Its objective is to offer passengers a hassle-free and secure journey by rail that runs smoothly.