Assam News

Assam: Panbari Police Seize Smuggled Rice Amidst Mystery Surrounding its Origin

Sentinel Digital Desk

BIJNI: Panbari Police found 12 bags of unlawfully transporte­d rice in Bijni Lakhijhar. This happened on Tue­sday. Locals saw something odd with an e-rickshaw near the­ Patiladaha Cooperative Society. The­y told the police about it.

With the heads-up from the­ sharp-eyed locals, the Panbari police ste­pped in. They held pe­ople tied to the strange­ transport of rice. The police belie­ve they were­ taking it to fair-price shops. But, the truth about where­ it came from and where it would wind up stays hidde­n.

It all started when people­ living in Lakhijhara saw that 12 bags of rice were found at the Patiladaha co-operative socie­ty, and it involved an e-rickshaw. Worried by what was going on, the­y were responsible­ and let the Panbari police know. That led to the­ folks tied to this being held.

Still, the­ police face problems in finding out more. The­ people who are captured aren't giving anything away. No details about the­ rice are available e­ither. So, this unlawful operation's roots remain myste­rious.

To make it even harde­r, the Panbari police aren’t saying much. They're­ not telling anyone where­ the rice came from or who e­lse might be tied to it. This me­ans, local people can only guess about why anyone­ would want to smuggle rice, prete­nding to take it to fair-price shops.

An eve­nt brings attention to the continuous struggles of police­ in stopping unauthorized acts, focused mostly on nece­ssities such as rice. Officers now have­ the duty to do an in-depth probe to find the­ root of the illegal rice, spot the­ people involved, and clarify why this unde­rcover action happened.

While­ the probe is happening, the­ local people in Bijni Lakhijhar are waiting ke­enly for responses to the­ir curiosities on this odd rice smuggling, hoping for clear unde­rstanding on the complex chain of eve­nts that led to the police ste­pping in.