Assam News

Assam: Railway Police in Guwahati Bust Smuggling Operation in Northeast After Major Cannabis Seizure

Sentinel Digital Desk

GUWAHATI: In a significant development in the ongoing war against drugs, a large consignment of cannabis was seized from a train at Guwahati Railway Station, sparking concerns about the scale of drug smuggling in Northeast India. The operation was carried out by the Government Railway Police (GRP), resulting in the confiscation of 21 kilograms of cannabis from the Delhi-bound Tejas Express.

Sources reported that the GRP acted upon a tip-off and conducted a raid at the railway station, leading to the discovery of the illicit cargo hidden beneath the battery box of the train. The successful operation marks a critical milestone in the region's efforts to combat drug trafficking and related criminal activities.

This seizure comes just a month after another alarming incident where four Railway Police officers were detained in Karimganj, and approximately 21 kg of ganja were seized from their possession. The recent discovery has raised suspicions about the involvement of law enforcement officials in facilitating drug smuggling operations. Allegations have surfaced, accusing the detained officers of profiting from the seized ganja by running a clandestine business.

Reports suggest that the smuggled ganja originated from Tripura and was destined to be transported to states outside the region. The involvement of law enforcement personnel has further complicated the investigation, prompting authorities to delve deeper into the network of drug trafficking in the area.

During the arrest of the four officers, a total of 20 packets of ganja were confiscated from their possession, indicating the extent of their alleged involvement in the illicit trade. The case has sent shockwaves through the region, highlighting the pressing need for stringent measures to tackle the drug menace and root out corruption within the law enforcement agencies.

The authorities are now intensifying their efforts to trace the origins of the seized cannabis and dismantle the smuggling networks that operate across state borders. Collaborative efforts involving various law enforcement agencies are underway to curb the flow of narcotics and ensure the responsible parties face legal consequences for their actions.

This recent incident has sparked debates about the challenges faced in the fight against drugs and the necessity to strengthen intelligence gathering, surveillance, and cooperation among neighboring states to combat drug trafficking effectively.

In conclusion, the seizure of 21 kilograms of cannabis from a Delhi-bound train in Guwahati Railway Station has shed light on the complexities of drug smuggling in Northeast India. The involvement of Railway Police officers in the illicit trade has raised serious concerns about corruption and underscores the urgency to adopt robust measures to dismantle drug networks operating in the region. The authorities remain steadfast in their commitment to uproot drug trafficking and safeguard the well-being of citizens.