Assam News

Assam: World No Tobacco Day observed in Lakhimpur district

Sentinel Digital Desk

LAKHIMPUR: Along with the rest of the globe, the World No Tobacco Day was observed on Friday in Lakhimpur district with calls to protect children from the clutches of tobacco industries. The district level programme was organized at Lakhimpur Commerce College by Lakhimpur District Tobacco Control Programme of the Health Department in association with Internal Quality Assurance Cell and Physical and Mental Wellness Cell of the college. A meeting was held for that occasion which was chaired by Sazzad Hussain, Vice-Principal of the college and an eminent columnist.

The objective of the meeting was explained by Vikash Dutta, accountant, District Vector Bourne Disease Cell. Dr. Biman Sharma, Joint Director of Health, Lakhimpur delivered the welcome address while Gautam Priyam Mahanta, ADC-Health delivered a speech as chief guest.

Dr. Gopal Kumar Purakayastha, Superintendent of Lakhimpur Cancer Care Hospital delivered a speech as appointed speaker and retired Superintendent of Lakhimpur Medical College and Hospital Dr Nikhil Kakaty and President of Indian Medical Association, Lakhimpur district unit, Dr Manik Mohan Baruah spoke about various aspects of tobacco addiction by young people.

Dr. Shamiul Akhtar Borborah, psychiatric and Mission Director of Mental Health Programme, Lakhimpur delivered a speech on Understanding Brain and Addiction. Pulin Dutta, Observer Inspector, District  Vector Bourne Disease Cell recited a poem on the subject of tobacco addiction in the meeting.

In his president’s speech Sazzad Hussain spoke about child labour engaged in tobacco industry particularly in Bidi making. He also highlighted on the duel threat from tobacco products to human health and to the environment as the products are marketed in plastic sachets. A quiz competition for school children was also organized on that occassion. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Dr. Dhiren Saikia, District Tobacco Control Officer, Lakhimpur.

GAURISAGAR: Prajapita Brahmakumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya, Sivasagar branch observed the World No Tobacco Day under Nasha Mukt Bharat Abhiyan Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India at Hatighuli MV School on the outskirts of Gaurisagar in Sivasagar district. The day was observed under the joint collaboration with NGO Krishak Nyas, Sivasagar and Hatighuli MV School Maharajat Jayanti Udjapan Samiti. BK Bhagawan one of the prominent motivational speaker hailing from Maharastra  took part in the seminar and emphasized the harmful effect of tobacco consumption. He urged upon the student community to keep our God gifted health by consuming a balanced diet and be aware of narcotic, tobacco etc.

He also said that school authority as well as parents give more importance on development of IQ of a student. Only with development of IQ in a student in not enough without spiritual knowledge. B.K.Rajani, Director, Prajapita Brahmakumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya, Sivasagar also spoke to the student community on how to enhance spiritual knowledge from childhood.

The seminar was inaugurated by Muhikanta Nath, noted educationist and president of Hatighuli  MV School Maharajat Jayanti Udjapan Samiti.

Earlier Rajib Dutta, publicity secretary of Krishak Nyas anchored the whole programme while Dr.Arun Changkakoty, president, Krishak Nyas welcomed the guests and gathering. Tilok Gogoi of Prajapita Brahmakumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya, Sivasagar demonstrated “rajyog”. In the function the office bearers of Krishak Nyas, teachers and guardians of the school and local people took part.

Also Read: Lakhimpur District Unit of All Assam Electricity Consumers Association staged a protest to stop increase in electricity tariff

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