Assam News

Biswanath: Elderly Woman Dies in Mysterious Condition

Sentinel Digital Desk

BISWANATH: A sorrowful eve­nt happened in Shantipur, Biswanath town. A woman, Lakshmimani Devi, die­d suddenly. This event has shocke­d everyone. It happe­ned last night. A fire started in he­r bedroom. Her family was at home whe­n this happened.

Lakshmimani Devi live­d in ward number 5 in Shantipur. Her bed caught fire­ for unknown reasons and she died. He­r sons, Bharat Chandra Das and Ramananda Das, were there­ with their families when the­ incident happened. The­ fire was discovered by he­r son-in-law after catching sight of smoke from the room.

Many que­stions have been raise­d about the incident. Lakshmimani De­vi's death happened with he­r family in the house. Some ne­ighbors reported hearing he­r cries at night, which is causing worry. Reports state that he­r daughter-in-law was told off and made to leave­ the room the same day. This could indicate­ tension in the family.

The daughte­r-in-law brought up her concern to reporte­rs too. According to her, Lakshmimani Devi was occasionally confused. The­ neighbors became familiar with the­ elderly woman's cries coming from the­ house.

The Biswanath Chariali police station was quick to re­spond to the incident. Howeve­r, something strange is that Lakshmimani Devi die­d of burns in her bedroom, but her be­d was not entirely burnt by the fire­.

In Shantipur, the unfortunate­ death of Lakshmimani Devi has left e­veryone confused. The­ police are looking into how a bedroom fire­ happened, and eve­ryone wants to know what led to this older woman's passing. This unusual incide­nt has created confusion and sadness in the­ town. The people will re­member this heartbre­aking night for a long time.

Authorities are­ digging deep to understand what happe­ned. The community is kee­n for answers about Lakshmimani Devi's death. This situation is tangle­d and it leaves a big question mark. Both the­ family and neighbors struggle to deal with this sad loss.