Assam News

Capacity-building workshops organized on climate change mitigation

Sentinel Digital Desk

TINSUKIA: As a part of climate action, a series of district and block-level capacity building workshops were conducted in Dhemaji and Lakhimpur districts from August 29 to September 1 which started at Eco Camp, Dirpai was ended at SIPRD, Chauldhowa.

The district-level programmes were organized at the conference hall, DRDA, Dhemaji and Circuit House, Lakhimpur. The programme was jointly organized by Assam Climate Change Management Society (ACCMS), Government of Assam and Jeeva Suraksha, Assam and supported by Mising Autonomous Council, Gogamukh, district administration of Dhemaji and Lakhimpur, ICAR-IARI, Inter Agency Group of both the districts, NE Water Talk& PAD.

The programme was organized to sensitize the departments to climate change and to build capacity of the line departments concerned & CSOs on the adaptation and mitigation measures of climate change. Over 240 participants of line departments and CSOs were benefitted from these capacity building programmes. Earlier, inaugurating the district-level workshop for the first time at Dhemaji district at DRDA conference hall, chief guest Ankur Bharali, District Commissioner, requested the line department officers to take up actions for mitigation of climate change on priority basis and urged everyone to adopt environment friendly life style. He also added the importance of Amrit Tree Plantation Programme at this moment of climate crisis.

Highlighting the state action plan on climate change, Dr RizwanUzZaman, Technical consultant of ACCMS spoke on the of inter-disciplinary and collaborative effort of the line departments to fight against climate change issues. Dr Ranjita Bania, Fisheries biologist of Jeeva Suraksha highlighted the importance of capacity building of line department officials & CSOs as they are the ground-level workers to execute government schemes related to climate change. The workshop at Lakhimpur was inaugurated Utpal Borah, DDC, Lakhimpur in presence of Arjit Mahajan, IS, ADC, Lakhimpur while the workshop at the Ecocamp was inaugurated by chief guest Sunil Pegu, Chairman, Mising Autonomous Council, Government of Assam. A host of resource persons tried to cover various aspects of climate change.

Important issues like impact of climate change on aquatic resources, climate-resilient paddy crops, ITK & its acceptability among local people, river wetland connectivity impacting the ecosystem and population structure, good practices building resilience of communities to disasters and climate change, technique for understanding climate change with local resources, study and documentation of groundwater level in the piedmont plan of northern Assam for climate resilient water management planning, livestock production management in climate crisis areas, location specific climate resilient livelihoods for Dhemaji and Lakhimpur district, climate resilient and sustainable location specific aquaculture technologies were broadly discussed in these four days.

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