Assam News

Complete Half-Done PMAY (G) Houses or Face Action, Hagrama Mohilary Warns Officials

Sentinel Digital Desk

Our Correspondent

KOKRAJHAR: The chief of BTC, Hagrama Mohilary visited Kachugaon Block Development office to assess the alleged rampant corruption in construction of PMAY (Gramin) houses under this development block in Gossaigaon subdivision and asked the officials concerned and parties who took up the construction work to complete all half-done PMAY (G) houses in Bollamjhora area by July 21, failing which strong punitive measure would be taken as per guidelines. He also held a meeting with the local MLA, BDO, engineer and chairmen of VCDCs and party workers.

He told media persons that there would be no excuse if chairmen and members of the VCDC were found to be involved in corruption in the construction of PMAY (G) houses under Kachugaon Development Block. He also asked the parties which had left PMAY (G) houses half-done to get ready to go to jail by July 23-July 25.

The chief of BTC said the amount for construction of PMAY (G) houses goes directly to the accounts of the beneficiaries and they must complete the house within a stipulated time. They have every responsibility for completion of the houses. If some beneficiaries are depending upon someone for construction of their houses, it is up to them but according to guideline only the beneficiaries can withdraw the amount, he said, adding that it was unfair to allow some other party to do to construction work and remain silent on non-completion of the houses. He also called upon the party leaders, workers and officials to strictly monitor the construction work.

A group of media persons from Kokrajhar, based on information from villagers, visited Ballamjhora village recently to assess the construction of PMAY-G houses and found that most of the houses belonging to BPL families were half done and some of them had been left after flint level. All beneficiaries alleged that the sanctioned amount of Rs. 1.3 lakh had already been withdrawn from their account but most of the construction work did not go beyond the flint level while others were half-done.

The All Rabha Students’ Union (ARSU) took up the matter and pursued the sub-divisional officer for completion of PMAY (G) houses as early as possible. They said that altogether 197 PMAY (G) houses were sanctioned under Balagaon VCDC of Gossaigaon subdivision, of which 92 houses were left incomplete and sanctioned amounts of 44 houses had already been withdrawn but there was no sign of any construction. The second instalment of 48 houses had also been withdrawn by the construction party. They said Ballamjhora village comprised of Bodo, Rabha and Adivasi people and all these communities were victims of corruption done by VCDC members. They also demanded that there should be proper inquiry into the half-done PMAY houses at the earliest.