Assam News

DC Manvendra Pratap Singh urges mouzadars, gaonburhas to boost revenue collection

Sentinel Digital Desk


TEZPUR: A meeting with all mouzadars and gaonburhas to discuss various revenue related matters was held in the District Library auditorium on Friday. The meeting was chaired by Deputy Commissioner Manvendra Pratap Singh and attended by ADC Satyajit Chetia, Circle Officers and other officials and staff looking after revenue matters.

After thorough discussion of issues related to various revenue related works, the mouzadars were directed to take necessary steps to enhance revenue collection, identify pocket areas for camp collection, regularly submit monthly reports to higher authorities, prepare list of defaulters and submit lists timely, attend Rajah Adalats, utilize the services of gaonburhas for revenue collection, maintain coordination with respective Circle Officers regarding various issues, and others.

At the same time, the gaonburhas were directed to assist mouzadars in revenue collection activities, inform COs about fresh encroachment in their areas within 24 hours so that necessary steps can be taken for eviction, prepare a database of the number of households and population along with BPL families and community-wise breakup, and report regularly to COs. They were asked not to issue certificates on their own for any purpose and only submit reports to the COs as and when required.