Assam Agricultural University
Assam News

Assam: Experts Educate Farmers on Pig Farming Best Practices in Khanapara Training Program

Sentinel Digital Desk

JORHAT: A training cum awareness programme on ‘Scientific management and biosecurity measures in pig farming’ was organized on Wednesday by Department of Animal Biotechnology, College of Veterinary Science, Assam Agricultural University (AAU), Khanapara in collaboration with AAU-Zonal Livestock Research Station, Mandira under the DBT-funded ‘Advanced Level State Biotech Hub (ALSBT Hub)’ project. Pig farmers and entrepreneurs from several villages of Kamrup and Goalpara districts including Mandira,Hekra, Pizupara, Madang andDhenubhangaparticipated in the programme.

After registration of farmers,the technical session got underway. Dr. DBharaliStation In-Charge welcomed the participants and delegates. Dr. HK Bhattacharyya, Associate Director of Extension Education (Veterinary), AAU, Khanapara emphasized upon scientific rearing of pigs with special reference to adoption of technology required for establishing pig breeding units, which will not only help to enhance income but also fulfil consumers’ demand through availability of quality piglets. Dr.DhireswarKalita, retired Professor and Head, Department of Animal Genetics and Breeding, C.V.Sc., Khanaparaas resource person delivered a lecture on scientific management and pig breeding strategies for commercial pig farming. Another expert Dr.AribindaPhukan, Professor and Head of the Department of Veterinary Medicine, C.V.Sc., Khanaparaspoke about prevention and control of common pig diseases. Dr.DipakDeka, Associate Professor cum I/c Head, Department of Animal Biotechnology, C.V.Sc., Khanapara made the participants aware ofcompulsory bio-security measures to prevent transmission of infectious pig diseases, against which vaccines and treatments are not available.

A total of 41 trainees participated in the programme. They were provided with mineral mixture, multi-vitamins and anthelmintics along with specific medicines as per pig farmers’ needs. The training was completed with vote of thanks offered by Dr.Gunajit Das, Scientist, AAU-ZLRS, Mandira.

Notably, the menace of African Swine Fever (ASF) in the state has not abated till date, with another epicentre of the disease found in Seleng Tea Estate of Selenghat in the Jorhat district. Since the month of May 2024, three epicentres have been found in Assam, and a total of 150 pigs have died till date.

According to state Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Department sources, with the discovery of the third epicentre in the state, the total number of ASF epicentres has increased to 147 since the  outbreak of the disease in 2020. A cumulative count of around 43,000 pig deaths has been registered in the state since then.

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