Assam News

Gargaon College celebrates National Girl Child Day in Sivasagar

Sentinel Digital Desk


SIVASAGAR: National Girl Child Day was observed on Tuesday at the premises of Gargaon College by the Department of Statistics and Women Cell, Gargaon College Teacher's Unit in association with IQAC, Gargaon College and 11 Assam Girls (l) Coy NCC, Gargaon College.

Dr Ranjana Gogoi, head and Associate Professor of the department of Statistics, while putting across the objectives and significance of the programme, explained how National Girl Child Day was first initiated in 2008 by the Ministry of Women and Child Development to draw attention to the inequalities faced by the girl child and to create awareness regarding her rights including the importance of education, health, and nutrition. Significantly, the date also marks the day in 1966 that Indira Gandhi took over as the first woman Prime Minister of India.

Dr Sabyasachi Mahanta, Principal of Gargaon College and noted academician, in an insightful and thought-provoking address delineated the bleak social scenario where girls continue to face prejudice, inequality and abuse despite two decades of the twenty first century having elapsed and the breakthroughs made in science and other fields. Citing real examples of society's discrimination against the girl child such as foeticide, child marriage etc, he explained how it is imperative for girls to empower themselves through education, become financially independent and to participate in the decision-making process. He further urged upon the girl students to be the torchbearers of change themselves.

Dr Rina Handique, Vice Principal of the college alluded to certain practical instances of gender inequity and spoke on the necessity of creating awareness against such bias.

ManuramaPhukan, president of Gargaon College Teachers' Unit spoke of the significance of the day and the importance of bringing change in people's perceptions regarding the girl child.

Dr PobonGogoi, Head and Associate Professor of the department of Political Science, enumerated the statistics of violence against the girl child from the National Crime Records Bureau. He also expressed concern over the growing incidence of girl child trafficking in the Northeast. Further, he highlighted the different schemes implemented by the government for the welfare of the girl child.

The programme moderated by Dr Pakiza Begum, Secretary of Women Cell (GCTU) and Assistant Professor, department of Chemistry, was attended by a significant number of students and faculty members of the college.

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