Assam News

Golaghat DC Dhiren Hazarika issues Prohibition on collection of donation

Sentinel Digital Desk

A Correspondent

GOLAGHAT: The Deputy Commissioner-cum-District magistrate of Golaghat, Dhiren Hazarika issued an order of prohibition on collection of donation in the district for maintenance of law and order in the district.

In-office order no. GMJ.08.2012/pt-1/8774 dated Nov 15, 2019, the District Magistrate said that a sensitive law and order situation was prevailing in the Golaghat district owing to various reasons and due to unauthorized collection of funds there was every likelihood of breach of public peace and tranquillity. Emergent steps had to be taken in order to prevent any untoward incident likely to cause a breach of public peace and tranquillity in the district, endangering the safety of public life and property.

Golaghat DC Dhiren Hazarika promulgated prohibitory order on financial collection (Chanda) forcefully subscription/ donation, roadside collection, extortion in any manner or form from any person, business establishments, office or intimidation of such kind by any person or organization for such collection. This order comes into force with immediate effect and till further orders and any violation of this order is punishable U/S 188 IPC, stated the order.