Assam News

Hailakandi Zilla Parishad CEO warns of action against violation of guidelines issued by PNRD

Sentinel Digital Desk

A Correspondent

HAILAKANDI: Chief Executive Officer Hailakandi Zilla Parishad cum Project Director, DRDA, Joydeep Shukla warned of action against executing agencies for implementing schemes at worksites without proper signboards thus flagrantly violating the guidelines issued by the Panchayat and Rural Development Department.

In an order issued to this effect here on Thursday, CEO cum Project Director, DRDA Shukla asked all the implementing authorities to install proper signboard as per the guidelines before execution of any scheme at the worksite. He warned that failure to do so would lead to disciplinary action against the executing agencies.

The order stated that the signboard installed at the worksite must contain proper logo, the name of work, details of location, including GP name, block name, district name, name of implementing agency (in case of convergence to mention cost break up also), project estimate, start date of work, end date of work, labour component and materials component, number of persondays generated, unit of measurement (dimensions/area/length/km), daily wage rate, name and contact of the lokpal/ombudsman/social audit unit/toll free number for grievance redressal (if available).

The order further instructed the executing agencies to keep in the loop the PRI members and leading citizens of the locality for more participation of common people in the rural development schemes.