Assam News

Home Guard Volunteers' Welfare Association decry government 'apathy'

Sentinel Digital Desk


LAKHIMPUR: The Lakhimpur district unit of All Assam Griha Rakshi Volunteers' Welfare Association has demanded the State Government to resolve their fundamental problems immediately. Otherwise, the organization has threatened to boycott the upcoming assembly election.

Organizing a press meet at North Lakhimpur Press Club on Tuesday, the organization, which is the common forum of the home guard volunteers, expressed strong reaction against the State Government's 'apathy' towards the miserable plight of the home guard volunteers. Addressing the media persons, Bidyut Das, the Lakhimpur unit president of the organization, said that no government of the State had resolved the fundamental issues of the trained home guard volunteers year after year despite submitting consecutive prayers and petitions and even after initiating various democratic protest programmes in support of their demands.

"The successive State Governments have never paid due attention to secure our judicious rights. As a result of it, our problems have been increasing day-by-day. Our problems and miseries have multiplied because the force is still maintained under the provisions of Assam Home Guard Act, 1947. Under such circumstances, we have clearly demanded the State Government to release the 27,000 home guard volunteers of the State from mental harassment by amending the Assam Home Guard Act, 1947 and to ensure adequate amount of salary for us like the other States Punjab, Hariyana, Delhi and Lakshadweep," stated the president of the organization.

On the other hand, Manoranjan Patir, the general secretary of the organization said, "Each and every jawan of our home guards, wearing the honourable khaki uniform, has extended relentless service for the well-being and security of the nation by guarding the government offices and private sector institutions during the emergency period, to tackle disasters and to conduct any election smoothly. At present, we are carrying out our duties along with the frontline fighters of the COVID-19 pandemic in order to contain the spread of the contagion. Despite performing such heavy duties, we are paid only Rs 300 per day and Rs 9000 per month which is not enough to run our families and to take care of our old parents. So, we have urged the State Government to give up such kind of step-motherly attitude towards us in view of our welfare."

He further added that the Home Guard Deployment Online System, which the State Government started on May 15 in 2019, was absolutely defective. "Sponsoring 'divide and rule' policy, the mentioned system is going to introduce an internal conflict among the volunteers. We demand the State Government and our authority to make the system public by launching a website and due password so that we can view the rotation list made for our deployment," asserted the general secretary of the organization.

Through the press meet, the organization demanded the State Government to review the sections of Assam Home Guard Act, 1947 which were amended in 2015, to stop the holding of physical ability test for home guard volunteers every three years, but to manage refresher training, to benefit any jawan like that of the police department under the provision of Section 6(iii) of Assam Home Guard Act, 1947, if he dies or sustains injuries on duty.

The organization fixed a deadline to resolve these problems before the assembly election to be held on 2021. Otherwise, the families of the 27,000 home guard volunteers of the State will boycott the election while the volunteers will abstain from performing election duty in addition to initiating mass stir.

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