Assam News

IIT Guwahati Develops Organized Plan To Reduce Suicides On Campus

Sentinel Digital Desk

GUWAHATI: By monitoring the mental health of students with poor Cumulative Performance Index (CPI) and backlogging, IIT Guwahati has developed an organized plan to reduce suicides on campus. Over a thousand new undergraduate students were enrolled at the prestigious institute in October. In educational institutions around the nation, student suicides are a growing cause for concern.

Following the release of the results, IIT-G has requested that faculty advisers and counselors contact the students who did not fare well in exams.

"The academic branch will communicate the names of the students with low CPIs and backlogs with the dean of student affairs and the welfare board chairwoman. In order to comprehend each student's emotional state and the cause of their poor performance, faculty advisers and counselors have been invited to speak with them, "adviser Namrata Naomi Rynjah remarked. She promised to take action to help and guide the students.

To communicate with the students facing expulsion (provisional) due to academic reasons, a committee led by the assistant dean of student affairs has been established along with the welfare board chairwoman, wardens, and student representatives. The committee makes suggestions to the dean regarding the type of assistance the student will require to meet these hurdles. The right assistance, including counseling, English language support, and subject support will be given based on the committee's proposal in order to inspire the students.

To encourage the students, proper assistance, such as counseling, English language assistance, and subject assistance, will be given.

The health center organized counseling sessions with a suicide prevention focus as soon as B.Tech and B.Des students were admitted in October. All of the hostels are doing debriefing sessions. To assist them in coping, counselors are addressing their questions and worries.

Additionally, the IIT-G community can access the institute's well-being center's 24-hour service, which is sponsored by, an online counseling service created by an IIT-G alumnus. Also, during registration, each new student completed a thorough declaration form. According to a source, "the counselors are supporting the students who have mental health issues." 

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