Assam News

MP Subramanian Swamy slams Badruddin Ajmal over statement against Assam’s two-child law

Sentinel Digital Desk

Guwahati: Firebrand BJP leader Subramanian Swamy on Monday slammed All India United Democratic Front (AIUDF) chief Badruddin Ajmal for speaking against the Assam government’s two child policy, stating whether Ajmal’s wife agrees with his thoughts or not.

Swamy said that a woman’s opinion also matters as she is the one who gives birth.

According to sources, Subramanian Swamy questioned Ajmal whether he is agreeing that his wife or wives are producing seven to eight children each.

He further said that a woman’s opinion also matters. After all, a child is borne by the woman for nine months, during which she goes through a lot of pain and anxiety.

The BJP MP after issuing a warning to Ajmal, said, “He should take his wife or wives’ permission…. until we bring uniform civil code… and then he will have only one wife.”

He further asked Ajmal to clarify what he mean when he says “we have the right” to produce as many kids as we want.”

It may be mentioned that Ajmal on Saturday said that Muslims will not listen to anyone and will continue to produce children. Slamming the government’s decision, Badruddin Ajmal said, “Whatever laws you make, they will have no impact on the Muslims. Tampering with nature is not good. Muslims will do whatever they want to bear children. Don’t shout later that we have more children. Don’t fight with nature.”

Badruddin Ajmal further added, “On one side, the RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat asks to produce 10-10 children and on the other side, the government says that no government jobs will be given to the people having more than two children. First, they should decide what they want. They don’t follow what RSS said.” It is to be mentioned that on 21st October, the Assam government announced that no person having more than two children will be given government jobs after January 1, 2021.