Assam News

National Scientific Temper Day observed at Ellora Vigyan Mancha of Doomdooma Branch

Sentinel Digital Desk

DOOMDOOMA: Under the auspices of Ellora Vigyan Mancha (EVM), Doomdooma Branch, National Scientific Temper Day (NSTD), 2023 was observed at Doomdooma Girls’ HS School on Monday with president Dr Badal Kumar Ghosh in the chair. In the beginning Secretary Advocate Tarini Deka explained the objectives of the meeting.

NSDT which is actually observed on August 20 to commemorate the death anniversary of Dr Narendra Dabholkar, physician, social activist, rationalist and founder of ‘Maharashtra Andhashraddha Nirmoolan Samity’(MANS) who was assassinated on August 20, 2013 at Pune, could not be organised on that day for being Sunday.

The meeting was addressed by journalist and former president of Tinsukia Zila Xahitya Xabha (TZXX) Arjun Baruah and secretary of Assam Science Society, Doomdooma branch and journalist Dhiren Deka. In their speeches both the speakers highlighted the steps to be taken to develop scientific temperament which was included in the Article 51A(h) of the Constitution as ‘ to develop the scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of enquiry and reform’.

Principal Sangeeta Barkakati in her speech urged the students to give adequate attention to understand the significance of the day and integrate it to their own lives. In his presidential speech Dr Ghosh quoting Albert Einstein said that in Science there is no such thing as ‘absolute truth’. “We have to experiment in Science to prove a phenomenon and discard it subsequently if it is proved to be untrue.” He cited the example of inventor of DDT Dr Paul Hermann Muller(1939) who was awarded Nobel prize in 1948 for that. But subsequently following the publication of Rachel Carson’s book ‘Silent Spring’, it was discarded for its adverse effects on the environment.

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