Assam News

Rally against child labour organized in Dibrugarh

Sentinel Digital Desk


DIBRUGARH: 'Puhoror Obhijatri,' a student led community-based organisation, on Saturday staged a street play titled 'Puhor Prayakhi', as part of the 10-day campaign initiative to create awareness against child labour in the areas around Dibrugarh.

Students at the Centre for Studies in Journalism and Mass Communication, Dibrugarh University, who happen to be the main organisers of this campaign, is slated to run till November 30. "Child labour among school-going children robs infants of their childhood memories and chance to grow up and be raised as children but rather as young adults which has an immense impact on how they relate with people in society," they said.

According to 2011 census report, the number of working children in the age group of 5-14 years in the State of Assam increased to 3,51,416 from 99,512 in 2001. The students took the initiative to champion this social cause to enlighten the need for society to vehemently draft measures to fight and criminalize child labour through vigorous sensitization.

Child labour perpetrators seem to be above the law and are walking away scot-free without being held liable for their actions. However, with this sensitization campaign, communities will be awakened about the cardinal role that they need to play to safeguard the future of school going children.

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