Assam News

Rongjali Bwisagu continues to grip merriment despite soaring heat in Kokrajhar

Sentinel Digital Desk


KOKRAJHAR: Even though the state is experiencing extreme heat, the Rongjali Bwisagu holiday spirit is causing people of the Bodo belt to be merry. The celebration of Rongjali Bwisagu /Rongali Bihu is taking place in every nook and corner by the people of all ethnic indigenous communities of Assam that foster the message of love and communal harmony.

While the Bodos and other indigenous tribes do not typically celebrate Bwisagu on a stage, they do celebrate it by visiting the homes of their ancestors in groups of the appropriate age in the villages and taking part in folk Bwisagu song and dance while using traditional musical instruments. This helps to foster a sense of brotherhood and peace among them. Only certain communities organize Bihu functions on the stage. The ABSU began hosting open Bwisagu celebrations on the open field a few years ago with the intention of fostering peace and harmony.

In south Aflagaon, the Bithorai Club-cum-Library organized entertaining sports for children, aged women and men for recreation in connection with the Rongjali Bwisagu on Sunday. The club organized programmes like climbing a banana tree, catching of live ducks with folded eyes, beating of jar with folded eyes etc. There was also community feast and Bwisagu dance. Local rice made traditional wine was also served in the celebration.

On the other hand, Sukhanjhora primary committee of UPPL under Banargaon block in Kokrajhar district also celebrated Rongjali Bwisagu on the same day at Kanthalguri village playground.

An open Bwisagu dance with folk music marked the Rongjali Bwisagu celebration. Prof. Bandhuram Basumatary, retired principal of Kokrajhar DIET, Kokrajhar East MLA, Lawrence Islary, UPPL media cell secretary, Hantigiri Narzary, Farmer’s Cell general secretary, Amarjit Basumatary, SC Students Union general secretary, Sujit Das, Banargaon TCLCC chairman Rabiram Brahma, lecturer of Music & Fine Arts College,. Lwihwr Lwihwr Mwshahary were prominent attendees in the event.

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