Assam News

Stress laid on congenial work environment for women workers: Gargaon College

Sentinel Digital Desk

SIVASAGAR: International May Day is celebrated every year on May 1 to recognize accomplishments and to honour the contributions of the working class. To commemorate the Workers’ Day, the departments of Assamese, Commerce and Economics of Gargaon College, in collaboration with the IQAC of the college, jointly organized a webinar on ‘Rights and Security of Women Workers’ on Monday. Binita Saikia Dey, Member, Assam State Commission for Women, Government of Assam, was invited as resource person of the event.

In his virtual greeting, Dr Sabyasachi Mahanta, renowned academician and Principal of Gargaon College, expressed appreciation for the organizers for organizing such a programme to value the incredible service and contributions of the workers. Dr Mahanta invoked the value of dignity of labour which is a prerequisite for the country’s development and growing economy. Speaking further, he spoke about how the priceless contribution of the workers lead towards the betterment of an organization and consequently of the society. Dr Mahanta also highlighted the fundamental rights and securities of women workers for a safer work environment. He said that a complete women safety mechanism is required to ensure women’s priorities and security for women, particularly in the workplace.

The resource person, Binita Saikia Dey spoke on the several laws that have been enacted to provide equal rights and protection to women. These laws, she said, grant basic rights and ensure equality between men and women. She added that women rights are human rights. She focused on the security measures that ensure safety and congenial work environment for the women workers. Creating a safe work environment can help women reach their full potential as individuals and contributors to workplaces and society, thereby achieving sustaining peace. In her deliberation, she also mentioned the various government measures and provisions which are constituted for the protection of rights and safety of women workers. Such measures, she said, can strengthen safety of women and instil greater sense of security among women workers.

The webinar was moderated by Debajani Bakalial, Assistant Professor of Assamese Department, Gargaon College. Nomani Dutta, Assistant Professor of Commerce Department, proposed the vote of thanks.

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