Assam News

Tocklai Retired Employees’ Association to Stage Indefinite Protest

Sentinel Digital Desk

A Correspondent

JORHAT: After setting a dateline which had expired on September 20, the Tocklai Retired Employees’ Association, a registered body under Society Registration Act, has decided to sit for indefinite protest in front of Tocklai Tea Research Institute main gate on October 15 in protest against the ‘step-motherly’ attitude of the management towards retired employees. “We do not get pension due to which we are facing financial hardships. Several lakhs of rupees of retired employees is pending since 2006,” said Dr. Ajit Kumar Sharma, secretary of the Tocklai Retired Employees’ Association while talking to media persons on Saturday. A large number of over 200 retired employees are yet to get retirement benefits since 2006 like leave salary, gratuity, leave encashment, medical benefit, promotion and LTC Bills, said the members of the retired employees’ association.