Assam News

Total response to chaka bandh at Goreswar

Sentinel Digital Desk


GORESWAR: On the first day of the two-day nationwide strike called by a joint forum of central trade union, units of Sramik Nirman Samiti, Ganatantrik Nari Mancha, SFI, DYFI, CPI-M staged a protest against Government policies here at Santipur on Monday.

Veteran CPI-M leaders Karuna Bhuyan and Buddhi Deka spoke during the protest against the anti-people Government policies.

Karuna Bhuyan highlighted the high prices of essential commodities. He said that fuel prices have been increasing day by day and already crossed Rs 100 per litre. The poor farmers are always deprived of reasonable prices for their produce, he said.

"We have supported the nationwide strike for the workers working in various sectors and poor farmers. The ASHA workers, Anganwadi workers and school cooks and many others have been working at very low remuneration. We strongly protest the proposed changes of labour law, privatization of public sector units. Contractual workers should be replaced as Government employees, etc. We demand their job security and adequate salary," stated Buddhi Deka.

The officer in-charge of the Goreswar Police Station, Mridul Hazarika, tried to curb the protest at Santipur while the protesters were uttering slogans against the Government policies. A skirmish between the police and the protesters took place here. Despite the police intervention, the workers continued to raise their slogans and showed their placards.

All kinds of vehicular movement was stopped today. Shops and enterprises here remained closed during the strike.

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