Assam News

Transport department in Darrang have launch its drive against dumpers

Sentinel Digital Desk

MANGALDAI: Following the strict direction of the newly-joined Commissioner of Transport Dr Robin Kumar Singh, a senior officer of Indian Police Service, the District Transport department in Darrang have launched its drive against the dumpers that are plying defying the provisions of the Motor Vehicle Acts and realized an approximate amount of Rs 5 lakhs within four days.

In the special enforcement drive, the Transport department checked about 100 dumpers plying on road with the loads of sand, sand gravel, boulders and crushed stones and detected the dumpers plying without paying the road tax, without High Security Registration Plates (HSRP), driving without driving licences, plying of vehicles without reflectors on the back, over speed driving, plying of vehicles with over load, violation of permit condition and plying of vehicles without Speed Limit Device.

According to the officiating District Transport Officer Gautam Das, the enforced drive against the erring vehicles specially the dumpers would be continued with the staff of the Enforcement Wing of the Transport department.

Mention may be made here that most of the dumpers plying on National Highway and other roads have been creating a major threat to lives of pedestrians as well as to the light vehicles as the drivers are driving without valid driving licences that too with heavy load. The Transport department since last several months have been conducting awareness drives and road shows on road safety measures in different corners of the district. The special awareness drive has also been conducted in different academic institutions to create awareness on road safety measures among the students.

The realization of an amount of Rs 5 lakh being the penalty of driving defying and violating the provisions of Motor Vehicle Acts and Rules during the four day drive only has indicated the cause of the alarmingly increasing incidents of road accidents taking many lives.

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