Assam News

United People’s Party Liberal welcomes Bhutan King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuk’s visit

Sentinel Digital Desk

KOKRAJHAR: The United People’s Party Liberal (UPPL) on Thursday expressed its pleasure of joining the nation in extending warm welcome to Bhutan King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuk and his royal family to Assam. In a statement, the general secretary of UPPL Raju Kr Narzary said the people of Assam especially Bodoland Territorial Region (BTR) have strong, harmonious and mutually benefitting ties with the citizens of Bhutan, which has been fully backed by His Excellency Kings of Bhutan and successive Government in India.

He said the UPPL being part of the NDA Government, in BTR, Assam and in India, it is fully committed to strengthening the people to people ties in all spheres of human life.

Narzary said during the tumultuous phase of history along the India-Bhutan border, the UPPL has steadfastly stood for harmonious and mutually respectful border along the Bodoland Territorial Region. “We really appreciate the fact that His Excellency King of Royal Government of Bhutan and successive Governments in India, have made joint efforts to secure peaceful and mutually cooperative border along the Bhutan-Assam border. As citizens on both sides of the borders are enjoying absolute peace along the border, UPPL on behalf of people of Assam is extends gratitude and gratefulness,” he added.

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