Assam News

Workshop in Goalpara Raises Awareness on Child Rights and Trafficking Issues

Sentinel Digital Desk

Goalpara: With a view to spread awareness about the child rights, child protection and child trafficking issues, the district social welfare department in cooperation with the district administration, arranged a workshop at the Goalpara DC’s conference hall.

The workshop was titled as the ‘Campaign on preventing and combating child right and child trafficking’ where Phanindra Bujar Baruah and Rilanjana Talukdar, two learned members from the Assam Commission for the protection of child rights attended as the resource persons.

Both the members focused on the different social and other issues that lead to the crimes against the children.

They termed poverty, lack of education, drop out children, employment of child labourers, human organ business, use of children in prostitution etc as the root cause behind the increasing number of child trafficking.

Kalyani Kangkana Das, ADC delivered the inaugural speech in the workshop through which she emphasised upon the need of understanding the gravity of the child trafficking issue.

The legal cell, Golapara police, DCPU, PRI office bearers, labour, health and several other departments attended and promised their cooperation to the cause.

Also Read: Team of Assam State Commission for Protection of Child Rights visits Udalguri district

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