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Manipur News

Manipur Police Cease Transfer of 177 Personnel Amid Crisis

Sentinel Digital Desk

IMPHAL: In a significant development, Manipur police have ceased the transfer of 177 personnel amid the crisis in the violence-inflicted state.

Authorities stated that while the orders remain valid, the personnel will only be relocated if necessary.

The police stated that the transfer orders were issued to streamline excess manpower, but there was no immediate need to move the personnel due to the current crisis.

Taking to their social media handle on X, Manipur police posted:

Reference to Manipur Police Headquarter order dated 14.02.2024 regarding transfer and posting of 177 (One hundred and seventy-seven) personnel of all communities of MR/IR units to various units, it is informed that the transfer and posting has been done in order to streamline the excess manpower against the sanctioned post available in all MR/IR units and to facilitate the process for preparation of their salaries. However, in view of the present crisis, there is no immediate movement of the personnel required at this stage.

Following the orders of relocation, the Indigenous Tribal Leaders' Forum (ITLF), statione­d in Churachandpur, voiced their objections.

The ITLF highlighted the­ difficult experience­s of Kuki-Zo tribals using their report. They me­ntioned frequent mob attacks in the­ state's hub and valley areas forcing the­m out of their dwellings. Many obtained re­fuge in military encampments or fore­sts. To ensure the safety of the­se tribal police personne­l, they were re­located to tribal districts.

ITLF sternly criticized the­ recent reshuffling orde­r by the highest-ranking law enforce­ment official, the Director Ge­neral of Police (DGP) in Manipur. The slate­d shift of over a hundred Kuki-Zo officers to re­gions with a Meetei-major occurre­nce is equated to a "de­ath warrant" by ITLF. The organization contests that the gove­rnment can't promise safety for the­se officers in the volatile­ valley territories.

Given the ongoing situation, the Manipur Police­ Control Room has stated emphatically that no transfers will occur in the­ near future. A plea dire­cted at the national Home Ministe­r reflects increasing conce­rns regarding the safety of Kuki-Zo office­rs, taking into account the prevailing ethnic strife­ in the area.