Meghalaya News

Folk Dances of Meghalaya: Exploring the Enchanting Rhythms of Meghalaya

Sentinel Digital Desk

Meghalaya, often referred to as the "Abode of Clouds," boasts a rich tapestry of folk dance forms that reflect the state's vibrant cultural heritage and diverse ethnic communities. The folk dances of Meghalaya are a vibrant expression of the region's rich cultural heritage and diversity. Encompassing a wide range of traditional rhythms, movements, and attire, these dances reflect the unique identities of various communities in the state.

From the graceful swaying of the Wangala dance to the spirited rhythms of the Shad Suk Mynsiem, each dance form carries its own significance and history, deeply rooted in the traditions and beliefs of the people. Through these dances, the cultural fabric of Meghalaya comes alive, offering a captivating glimpse into the lives and traditions of its indigenous communities.

Read below to know some of the significant folk dances of Meghalaya-

  • The Wangala Dance - The Wangala dance, also called the Hundred Drum Dance, stands as a significant folk dance among the Garo community. Held during the Wangala harvest festival, it features both men and women clad in traditional garments embellished with vibrant accessories. Enlivened by the sounds of a hundred drums, participants groove gracefully to the music, portraying themes of agricultural abundance and unity within the community.

  • The Nongkrem Dance - Another notable dance style is the Nongkrem dance, performed by the Khasi community during the Nongkrem festival. Taking place each year in the Smit village near Shillong, this event serves as an expression of gratitude and respect to the indigenous deity, U Lei Shyllong. The Nongkrem dance, distinguished by its elegant gestures and elaborate steps, is enacted by young women referred to as "Ka Shad Kynthei," embodying concepts of innocence and fecundity. During the dance, young Khasi women don vibrant traditional clothing and adorn themselves with colourful jewellery. They gracefully move in synchronised patterns to the traditional Khasi music, accompanied by rhythmic beats from instruments like drums and flutes. The performance takes place in the presence of a high priestess, seated on an elevated platform, offering prayers and blessings to the dancers. Additionally, the high priestess conducts the Pomblang Ceremony, a special ritual involving offerings to the Khasi deity. 

  • The Shad Suk Mynsiem Dance: The Shad Suk Mynsiem, alternatively called the Dance of the Joyful Heart, constitutes a customary dance among the Khasi community, showcased during the Shad Sukra festival. This dance commemorates the advent of spring and is enacted by individuals of both genders clad in vibrant costumes. Participants execute graceful choreography, conveying elation and vigor through their motions.

  • The Doregata Dance: The Doregata dance, which hails from the Garo tribe, is a lively performance showcased during festivals and other celebratory occasions. Enhanced by the melodic tones of traditional instruments like the gong and flute, dancers execute elaborate movements and expressions, portraying various aspects of everyday existence, hunting expeditions, and tribal conflicts.

  • The Behdienkhlam Dance: The Behdienkhlam dance, a cultural spectacle of the Pnar tribe, is showcased during the Behdienkhlam festival. This dynamic performance features lively movements and coordinated footwork, representing the victory of righteousness and the collective solidarity within the community.

Apart from these customary dances, Meghalaya also showcases a diverse array of folk dances including the Laho, Shad, and Dandiya Raas, each portraying the distinct customs and traditions of the state's diverse ethnic communities.

The folk dances of Meghalaya serve as a dynamic portrayal of the state's cultural variety and legacy. Through their enchanting rhythms and captivating displays, these dances captivate audiences and uphold Meghalaya's rich cultural heritage for posterity.