Meghalaya News

‘Intellect rules over emotions nowadays’ says former State minister RG Lyngdoh

Sentinel Digital Desk

Staff Correspondent

Shillong: The voting pattern of people in using their intellect instead of emotions and the outreach programmes conducted across the State has made the electoral process more inclusive and significant, observed the panelist of the ‘Go Vote’ discussion organized by the office of the Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) in Shillong on Tuesday.

Speaking on the occasion, the former State minister and vice-chancellor of Martin Luther Christian (MLCU) RG Lyngdoh was specifically asked on the apathy by the urban youths in the electoral process. He was quick to answer by saying “For so long elections has been an orgy of emotions. It has been more of a feeling but after hearing the youths today I could see a movement.”

“It is a movement from emotions to the intellectual process,” stated RG Lyngdoh. He said “There is a need to further engage the youths in order to make them have the ownership to carry the electoral process forward.” The former politician also felt that the older voters should learn from the upcoming one so that they do get swayed by emotions while casting their votes.

Another academician, Dr B Nongrum, who was part of the panel sees the transition from emotions to intellectual use of their conscience as a means that will make every elected representative realized their role.

There were interesting observations from Padmashree Bertha Dkhar, a visually impaired educationist who underscored the importance of having a change in the societal mindset in order to get more and more people with disabilities (PEDs) enrolled in the electoral rolls.

“We know that there PWDs who are first time electorates and even adults who had never had the opportunity earlier and for them accessibility is important”, stated Dkhar. She complimented the office of the Chief Electoral Officer who is making many PWDs realize their dreams of voting in an election.

Two other students who participated in the discussion felt that the youths should come out from the mind of ‘I hate politics’. “This idea is dangerous because each vote is important to determine on how to empower us’, stated the duo who are presently doing their graduation.

Chief Electoral Officer Fredrick Roy Kharkongor spoke about the exercise carried by his department and the encouraging results.

Also read: Meghalaya news