Meghalaya News

Meghalaya: Ampareen Lyngdoh Emphasizes Merit over Gender in Bid for Shillong Parliamentary Seat

Sentinel Digital Desk

SHILLONG: In the vibrant political landscape of Meghalaya, the debate over gender representation has taken center stage as the campaign for the Shillong parliamentary seat gains momentum. While a segment of the population advocates for increased female participation in politics, NPP (National People's Party) candidate Ampareen Lyngdoh is determined to shift the narrative away from gender-based considerations.

Addressing the public during the launch of her campaign in Mairang, Lyngdoh emphasized that her candidacy should be evaluated based on merit rather than gender. In a bold assertion, she stated, "I am neither a male nor a female MLA. I am the public's MLA. Forget that I am a female." Urging voters to treat her as an equal to her opponents, Lyngdoh expressed her commitment to proving her capabilities and efficiency, independent of gender stereotypes.

"Choose me as your MP by taking an example from the works that I have done and achieved," Lyngdoh urged the electorate. "Choose me because I have experience, and as a party, we have contacts in Delhi. Don't choose me just because I'm a woman; it looks foolish."

Taking a pragmatic approach, Lyngdoh highlighted the need for an MP who can connect with grassroots levels, assuring voters that she is poised to do justice to her responsibilities. Amidst the spirited campaign, she reiterated the NPP's commitment to completing tasks and working consistently beyond election cycles.

Accompanied by prominent party leaders such as Hamlet Dohling and Ransom Sutnga, Lyngdoh's campaign kickoff in Mairang also served to strengthen the NPP Mairang Block Committee. Notably, the event witnessed the inclusion of Congress MDC Batskhem Ryntathiang into the NPP, signaling strategic alignments in the political landscape.

As Meghalaya gears up for the Lok Sabha elections, Ampareen Lyngdoh's stance challenges traditional perceptions, advocating for a merit-driven approach to politics rather than one influenced by gender considerations. The forthcoming elections will serve as a litmus test for the evolving dynamics of representation in the matrilineal society of Meghalaya.