Meghalaya News

Meghalaya Appoints First Woman DGP, Idashisha Nongrang, to Address Public Grievances Weekly

Sentinel Digital Desk

SHILLONG: Meghalaya has made history by appointing Idashisha Nongrang as its first woman Director General of Police (DGP). Nongrang IPS officer from the 1992 batch, succeeds LR Bishnoi. He retired on Sunday. Before this role she served as Director General of Civil Defence and Home Guard in Meghalaya. Nongrang will hold DGP position for fixed term of two years.

In her new capacity, Nongrang plans to hold weekly meetings with public every Thursday from 11 A.M. to 2 P.M. The inaugural session is scheduled for May 30 These meetings aim to provide platform for citizens to voice their grievances directly to state's highest police authority. Thus improving police-public relations. Addressing community concerns more effectively.

"I firmly believe that women view world from very different perspective," DGP Nongrang remarked upon taking office. She emphasized her commitment to leveraging this unique perspective. To enhance the safety and well-being of women in state. "I want to ensure that women feel much safer and better about themselves as well as improve overall accessibility of police to general public," she added.

Nongrang acknowledged that despite ongoing efforts to curb crimes against women incidence of such crimes continues to rise in Meghalaya. She stressed need for rethinking strategies. Possibly adopting new approaches would address issues more effectively.

In addition to focus on women's safety, DGP Nongrang expressed concern about the growing drug menace. She highlighted the urgency of tackling problem and indicated it would be priority during her tenure.

Nongrang's appointment and proactive approach to community engagement mark significant shifts in Meghalaya's policing strategy. By making herself accessible to public on weekly basis she aims to bridge gap between police and community. This fosters sense of trust and cooperation.

As Nongrang steps into her role, she brings wealth of experience and fresh perspective, promising a new era of policing in Meghalaya that prioritizes accessibility safety and community involvement.