Meghalaya News

Meghalaya: Arson Attacks Rocks Jowai Police Reserve, Raising Concerns Over Security

Sentinel Digital Desk

SHILLONG: Shockwaves have rippled through the Khasi-Jaintia Hills region triggered by arson attacks. Once-tranquil communities are now steeped in apprehension and fear. Promptly, there has been a call for heightened security measures. The latest outbreak of violence was directed at police reserve. It is located in the West Jaintia Hills district.

This attack wreaked havoc in the previously calm night. According to our sources the crime transpired under the cover of night. The methods employed were covert and meticulous. The culprits launched petrol bombs. The time was approximately 2:30 a.m.

The result was considerable damage at the site. Two police vehicles endured the primary impact of this onslaught. Maruti Gypsy was completely obliterated. Moreover, a bus also suffered significant damage. The most apparent damage was on its front surface.

The incident unfolded at the district headquarters in Jowai. This impudence of the perpetrators is highlighted by this incident exposing the vulnerability of law enforcement infrastructure in the area.

The latest assault marks the fourth in a sequence of recent targeted onslaughts. Such incidents increase concerns. They question the efficacy of local security measures. In July 2021 an Improvised Explosion Device (IED) was detonated. This occurred within East Jaintia Hills district's Khliehriat Police Reserve. The explosion incurred substantial damage. This included considerable harm to the staff quarter's perimeter wall.

There were no casualties reported from that occurrence. Nevertheless, it ominously indicated potential escalations of violence. The frequency of these attacks cast a daunting shadow. This uncertainty looms over the region's security credibility. It gives rise to vital concerns regarding their capability to avert forthcoming aggression. Moreover it involves bringing the culpable parties to justice.

Earlier this month, a petrol bomb was ignited. This took place inside the Mawlai police station. It concluded in the total wreckage of a police vehicle stationed within the compound. The motorcade of Director of NEEPCO's personnel Major General retired RK Jha subsequently endured an attack. The incident transpired while he was en route to his Laitkor residence. This action underscores the audaciousness of the perpetrators.

Following the recent audacious attacks Deputy Chief Minister Sniawbhalang Dhar's residence was not immune. It too, came under attack. This incidents heightens the pre-existing concerns over the region's security stance.