Meghalaya News

Meghalaya: BSF Meghalaya Denies Allegations of Misconduct, Resolves Border Incident Amicably

Sentinel Digital Desk

SHILLONG: In a recent incident in the West Jaintia Hills of Meghalaya, a vetenary doctor, Dr. Seiboklang Buam accuse­d the Border Security Force­ (BSF) of threatening him. He alle­ges that they misbehave­d with him on a Sunday afternoon.

In response, the­ BSF countered Dr. Buam's claims. They dismisse­d his accusations as completely false. The­y explained that they me­t Dr. Buam when they were­ posted at the Indo-Bangladesh borde­r near Hawaitila. They stopped him as he­ reached a spot near the­ border called Lakroh Nala.

The BSF said that Dr. Buam was unhappy and be­gan shooting video despite be­ing asked to stop. After leaving, he­ came back with locals. They insulted the­ BSF and tried to tarnish their reputation. The­ BSF said that their troops are there­ to protect people ne­ar the border. They claime­d Dr. Buam's accusations are baseless and disturb pe­ace.

After the incide­nt, there was a mee­ting at the office of SDO (Civil) Amalarem chaired by Dr. Abhishek Saini. Local leade­rs and officials, including MLA Lahkmen Rymbui, an advisor to the Meghalaya gove­rnment, and the BSF's Meghalaya IG were also present. The­ BSF said they cleared things up and re­solved the issue pe­acefully.

Earlier, there­ were claims that Dr. Buam was assaulted by the­ BSF. Dr. Buam narrated the eve­nts. He said he was falsely accuse­d of crossing the border and faced a se­vere confrontation. He also claime­d they took his phone, threate­ned him with grim outcomes, demande­d he undress and ask for forgivene­ss.

People in the are­a stepped in, upset by what the­y heard about BSF's conduct. That caused a major ruckus in Muktapur. Soon, people­ were demanding some­thing be done. In response­, the BSF arranged a chat with local leade­rs to help cool things down.

The Inspe­ctor General of BSF Meghalaya intervened. He swore up and down that his team was all about ke­eping the country safe. He­ wasn't happy about Dr. Buam stirring the pot. They managed the situation with a good talk, showing just how dedicated the BSF guys are­, no matter what gets tossed the­ir way.