Meghalaya News

Meghalaya Deputy Chief Minister Urges Dialogue Amidst Spate of Violence in Shillong

Sentinel Digital Desk

SHILLONG: Tensions are escalating due to a series of petrol bomb attacks in Shillong. These attacks have resulted in a response from Meghalaya's Deputy Chief Minister, Prestone Tynsong. The deputy has issued a clear call for the termination of violence. Tynsong has also advocated for engaging in constructive dialogue.

The purpose of the dialogue is twofold. The first is to address the underlying issues. Secondly, it is to calm the torment that the region is experiencing. The National People's Party (NPP)-led Meghalaya Democratic Alliance (MDA) government came out with a statement. Tynsong, who also serves as the home affairs holder, made some points in it.

He stressed upon the insignificance of disturbances. Moreover, he labeled these disruptions as an ineffective way of dealing with problems. "Creating disturbances will only contribute to more problems, not solve them," Tynsong clearly stated. He further highlighted the importance of peaceful resolution.

This can be achieved through effective dialogue. Tynsong continued with his appeal to the public. He insisted that resorting to violence does not provide solutions. The government, according to him, is ready to meet with those offended. Their objective would be to address the grievances of these groups or individuals.

With a deep understanding of the situation's gravity, the deputy chief minister gave assurance. He conveyed that investigations of the recent attacks are underway. He stated, "We have issued instructions to the Director General of Police. He is the one leading the investigations". The deputy chief minister further explained, "It is his duty to examine these incidents thoroughly. Let it be known, we will identify the guilty parties," he asserted.

Tynsong emphasized the government's dedication to upholding peace and order again. He highlighted the crucial importance for the people to avoid acting on their own accord to enforce the law. "Throwing stones or petrol bombs won't bring about any positive changes," he stated boldly. He also added his plea, "We beg all citizens to keep peace. We urge them to abstain from acting as if they were the law."

Shillong's recent incidents of violence have stirred concerns about regional stability. The government's rapid response to the situation signifies their immediate focus on safety. Tynsong's call for restraint and dialogue reflects the government's unwavering commitment to finding peaceful solutions. They are determined to look into the root causes that led to these disruptions.