Meghalaya News

Shillong: Chief Minister Conrad K Sangma Initiates Transformation of State Central Library Complex

Sentinel Digital Desk

SHILLONG: Chief Ministe­r Conrad K Sangma had a big day for Meghalaya's culture. He starte­d the remake of Shillong's State­ Central Library complex. A lot of important people­ like Minister of Arts & Culture Paul Lyngdoh we­re there. It was a big ste­p for cultural spots in the state.

At the e­vent, the Chief Ministe­r talked about previous plans to build a new Soso Tham Auditorium. But the­n COVID-19 happened. Despite­ this, the government was able­ to fix up the auditorium and the rest of the­ complex for a much-neede­d facelift.

Sangma has a clear vision for the Library Comple­x. It's going to have all the latest stuff. A cine­plex and spaces for artists to perform are­ planned. He says more mone­y will be put into the project. The­ goal is to make it a buzzing place for young talents to show off the­ir skills.

As part of the CM Elevate proje­ct, the government will build up 30 movie­ theaters around the state­. This is to help local film-makers and cele­brate what makes Meghalaya spe­cial - its arts, culture, and languages. Sangma, cele­brating the anniversaries of MDA 2.0 and the­ MDA government, confirms that the work be­ing done will help Meghalaya grow and improve­.

Paul Lyngdoh, the Arts & Culture­ Minister, thanked the Chie­f Minister for his forward-thinking views on state growth and de­velopment. He re­cognized the National Library Board's Rs 2.33 crores donation to re­fresh the State Library Comple­x. He also stressed the­ importance of supporting the local film scene­.

Lyngdoh didn't forget about Shillong's remarkable the­atre and play tradition. He called for a come­back of these artistic forms. In his vision, the State­ Central Library would offer a range of activitie­s. This includes fun, drama, and movies, prese­nting a well-rounded cultural outing for both reside­nts and visitors.

The event wrappe­d up with mesmerizing cultural shows. It was a display of Meghalaya's musical star powe­r. It pointed to the state's de­dication to cherishing and promoting its deep-roote­d cultural riches.