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Mizoram News

Mizoram Congress Elects New Leadership in Recent Party Elections

Sentinel Digital Desk

AIZAWL: The Mizoram Congress recently completed its party elections on Tuesday, bringing in new leadership to guide the party ahead.

The former president, Lalsawta, had previously declared his resignation, citing accountability for the party's electoral defeat and expressing a willingness to pave the way for the younger generation.

Lal Thanzara, a former minister, will take over from Lalsawta in the highest-ranking position within the Mizoram Congress.

Lal Thanzara, brother of former Chief Minister Lal Thanhawla, reportedly defeated Zodintluanga Ralte, a former minister, by a margin of 112 votes in Tuesday's party election.

This signifies a significant shift in leadership dynamics, especially after the 2023 elections. Former Finance Minister Lalsawta assumed the presidency following Lal Thanhawla's decision to step down from the MPCC chief position, a role he had held since 1973.

Zodintluanga Ralte, his opponent, was one of only five Congress party MLAs in the 40-seat assembly of Mizoram in the previous government term. He resigned from his post as party treasurer in April 2023, citing three reasons.

In his resignation statement, he criticized Lalthanhawla, the MPCC president at the time, stating that since Lalthanhawla assumed the presidency, the strong foundations that they had considered fundamental to the party had been shaken.

In addition to Lalthanzara as President, the newly elected leadership includes Lalnunmawia Chuaungo as Vice President and Dr. Lalmalsawma Nghaka as Treasurer.

Lalthanzara is notably the brother of former Chief Minister Lalthanhawla, while Lalnunmawia Chuaungo previously served as the chief secretary of Mizoram and ran unsuccessfully in the 2023 elections.

As a part of the revitalization process, the party also named 50 executive members, including 10 women. Despite facing setbacks in the recent elections, the Mizoram Congress only managed to secure one seat in the 40-member assembly.